(Source: https://www.itsajoyfullife.blog/?p=1487)
It’s that time of the year again: college applications! It was a very stressful time for me. I vividly remember the struggle to come up with the essay, fear of rejection, constant self-doubt, the if’s for ECA and sleepless nights before the college result. Well, if that’s not your situation, good for you! Here is my attempt at making a guide using the research I did and personal experiences that may help you navigate applications better.
Background: I applied to liberal arts and sciences universities in India, namely Ashoka and Krea and gratefully received firm offers from both of them. I then joined Ashoka.
I am making this guide keeping in mind Ashoka’s application process but most of it stays relevant for other liberal universities application as well.
Let’s begin now:
- Personal and Contact Details: Fill in all the required details carefully and check for any mistakes. This is the section that does not require much effort, try to get done with this quickly.
- Academics: You will be asked to submit your 9th(Krea only),10th, 11th and 12th-grade results(predicted scores, if the results have not been released). In case, you submit predicted grades yourself, then please be a little realistic. Generally, the predicted grades are calculated based on performance in earlier classes and school exams and tests held in 12th up till then. Ashoka provides space(Word limit:100) for you to mention academic achievements, research projects, MOOCs and publications. This is obviously optional. Again, this section can be completed early on.
- Standardised tests: Such tests are not at all mandatory. I didn’t give them. You may submit the scores if you did, then the best score amongst these tests and AAT(more on that later) would be considered.
- Non-Academic Activities and Engagement: Here’s space for you to brag about your involvement in extra-curricular activities. The cap here is 5. If you’ve more than 5 activities to talk about, see if some of them can be merged under one category. If not, then mention only those which were impactful for you and to which you think you’ve contributed significantly. In the space where you’re supposed to describe your engagement, be concise and genuine. There are several resources available on the internet to help you enhance the description using certain keywords. Please collect all your certificates beforehand and keep them ready to upload(do not start scanning your certificates at the last minute, not recommended at all!)
- Books Section: An optional section for you to enlist up to five books that have had an impact on you.
- Essays: You’ll be given 3 different prompts, all of which are to be attempted. Keep brainstorming. Be honest. Don’t repeat your achievements here. If possible, then showcase your growth and learnings. I got to know this tip while I was working on my essays- your essays should be unique to you. If somebody who knows you reads the essays without being aware that you’ve written them, then they should be able to figure out that you wrote them (unless ofc you trauma-dumped and no one knows about your trauma). There’s no one way to write your essay so it’s up to you how you use this freedom. Other sections cover more factual things but essays and interviews are opportunities for you to showcase who you are beyond these achievements. Again, speaking from personal experience, don’t procrastinate. Planning your essay is one thing and writing it is another. Just start writing it and then you may keep editing it. Last but not the least don’t forget to give examples to substantiate your learnings and growth. Try to focus on one incident.
- Letter of Recommendation: One LoR is to be submitted. Here you just need to fill the required details, that’s it. As far as I remember the deadline for LoR is 7 days after the deadline for application for each round. You may reach out to your teachers, Vice-Principal, Principal or Career Guidance Counselor in your school sufficiently before the deadline so that they get enough time to write you a letter.
- Survey: Well this is self-explanatory. You may check this out yourself.
- Course Preference: Fill in your Top 3 course preferences here. Don’t worry, this won’t affect your major-minor choices in any way when the time comes.
- Support at Ashoka: This is a very helpful section for anyone who may benefit from any kind of learning, psychological or medical support. If applicable, please fill this out carefully.
*Here, we’ve reached the end of the application form*
Now, comes the mandatory Ashoka Aptitude test and On-the-spot essay.
AAT: The 90-minute test consists of four sections, namely, Logical Reasoning, Verbal Aptitude, Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation. I tried looking for many practice tests but hardly found any. After giving the test, I realised that it just requires minimal preparation. For that, you may check out past sample AATs uploaded by the uni. For example, here’s a sample- https://ashoka.edu.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Ashoka-Aptitude-Assessement-Sample-Paper-2022.pdf.
On-the-spot essay: You will be asked to engage with one of the two prompts in 30 minutes. There is no word limit. The topics are general in nature as far as I remember. One prompt was about self-driving cars if I remember correclty.
Personal Interview: Or shall I say ‘conversation’? My interview was about 40 minutes long. To be honest, I thought I was being judged every moment. The pressure was real. My interview comprised general intro, inquiry about my academic interests and ECAs, a portion related to capitalism and the books I have read(I don’t remember all the details sadly). They did not ask me any technical or current affairs-related questions or the much anticipated question ‘Why Ashoka?’ but then again, some applicants may get these questions. They may also ask you about what you learnt from your ECAs or the typical question about your strengths and weaknesses. Mostly the questions are based on your application form. At the end of the interviews, you may get your queries and concerns get addressed.
See, just be genuine and take some time to think before you answer. You got this!
*Phew everything’s done now*
(PS: Need-based Financial aid applications open only after one receives a firm offer of admission. There are merit-cum-means scholarships for CS and sciences- https://www.ashoka.edu.in/sciences-merit-cum-means-scholarship/ They hold multiple virtual sessions and now offline sessions too during the application cycles for you to understand each part of the process better.)
Listen, the best thing about a holistic application process is that there’s no one thing that is prioritised or can guarantee you admission. It is also not a requirement for one to ace each and every component. Different components of the form may shine for different applicants. People at the office of Admissions want to understand how you can add to the cohort.
I wish you all the best! Feel free to reach out to me via email(poorvajajain@gmail.com) or Instagram(coralcactuspoetry) for any other queries. Also, for those who’ve already undergone this process, you’re welcome to share your inputs in the comments section. :))
Great article.